Journal of English Education, Literature and Linguistics <p>JEELL&nbsp; published an articles&nbsp; and the result of&nbsp; research in&nbsp;<span style="display: inline !important; float: none; background-color: transparent; color: #000000; font-family: noto sans,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: 24px; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px;">English Education, Literature and Linguistics with several approach namely qualitative, quantitative, survey, action research and development. The article that submited will be reviewed by an expert suitable with reviewer's focus with Blind Peer Review. JEELL&nbsp; published twice in a years that on Juni and Desember.&nbsp;</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau en-US Journal of English Education, Literature and Linguistics 2621-3672 Feminism In Enola Holmes 2 John Fiske Study <p>Enola Holmes 2 movie tells a story about the life of a woman named Enola. In this film, the female character is depicted as an active narrative object and carries the message of feminism. The feminism topic attracted the attention of researchers because, so far, women have been often portrayed only as a passive narrative object and even as the main erotic object in the film. This research is to find out the meaning of the semiotic code regarding feminism at the levels of reality, representation, and ideology. Researchers use a qualitative approach with semiotic analysis based on codes from television, which are divided into three levels: reality, representation, and ideology. The results of the research show the values of feminism at the level of reality through codes of appearance, make-up, dialogue, way of speaking, environment, and behavior. On the levels, representation of feminist values is shown through camera code, characters, actions, conflicts, and dialogue. On an ideological level, the values of feminism represent the close and inseparable relationship between women and nature.</p> <p><sup><em><strong>Keywords</strong>: Representation, Feminism, Film, Semiotic, John Fiske.<br></em></sup></p> Muhammad Fayyad Salsabila Ayudya Teguh Aisah Nur Widianti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 6 2 44 53 10.31540/jeell.v6i2.2614 Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Using Spelling Bee Games at Junior High Level <p>This study aimed at finding out to what extent spelling bee games improve vocabulary mastery and explore the advantages and disadvantages of spelling bee games. It discussed the implementation of the spelling bee game in English Language Teaching at the Junior High School. This research implemented spelling bee games as one of the ways to improve students’ vocabulary mastery. This study used the Classroom Action Research (CAR) method which was conducted in two cycles. The researcher used three data collection methods, namely observation, questionnaires, and tests. The data for this study were their written test results by answering questions about the vocabulary they had learned. The data was assessed based on the number of words that the students successfully answered. To determine whether the percentage was high or low, the researcher used the scoring criteria. The results of this study serve as references for future research on spelling bee games, such as benefits, drawback, challenges or opportunities in English language teaching especially at junior high school level.</p> Dwi Rias Afiase Andhi Dwi Nugroho Johanes Climacus Setyo Karjono Afria Dian Prastanti Ana Christanti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 6 2 54 63 10.31540/jeell.v6i2.2615 Empowering Diary in Recount Text for Student’s Writing Skill <p>The&nbsp; objectives&nbsp; of&nbsp; this&nbsp; research&nbsp; is&nbsp; to&nbsp; describe&nbsp; the&nbsp; process&nbsp; of&nbsp; teaching&nbsp; writing recount&nbsp; texts&nbsp; by&nbsp; using&nbsp; diary,&nbsp; to&nbsp; find&nbsp; out&nbsp; the teacher’s&nbsp; problem sand&nbsp; students’ responses&nbsp; toward&nbsp; using&nbsp; diary.&nbsp; The research employs a descriptive qualitative research. Findings&nbsp; show the&nbsp; use&nbsp; of&nbsp; diary&nbsp; in&nbsp; teaching&nbsp; writing&nbsp; recount&nbsp; text&nbsp; could help and develop&nbsp; students’&nbsp; writing.&nbsp; The teacher explained and instructed in procedural teaching practice to diary usage. However, the problems were limited time at the activities and lack of the teacher’s knowledge. Generally, the use of diary gave a creativity&nbsp; both&nbsp; the&nbsp; teacher&nbsp; and&nbsp; students&nbsp; and&nbsp; made&nbsp; students&nbsp; motivated in&nbsp; learning writing.&nbsp; Thus,&nbsp; diary&nbsp; is&nbsp; one&nbsp; of&nbsp; effective&nbsp; ways&nbsp; to&nbsp; express&nbsp; the students’ ideas&nbsp; in writing because they can tell prior activities or experiences happened.</p> Dwi Kusuma Jayati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 6 2 65 75 10.31540/jeell.v6i2.1677 The World Experienced By The Mental Illness, A Joker (2019) Phenomenological Research <p>This study aims to determine the world experienced by the mentally ill Arthur Fleck of Joker (2019) through phenomenological analysis.This research uses qualitative methods. The authors chose this research based on the phenomenon of Joker related tothe joker's mental illness that contains experience of mental illness to various types ofmental health disorders. We felt excited because of the release of the Joker movie which raised the image of someone who is experiencing mental illness with various descriptions of interesting behaviors. The authors want to understand how the Joker handle the discrimination he experienced in this film. Then, The authors want to know more about the impact of the discrimination towards the Joker, and the factors as to why those who have mental illnesses frequently become a victim of discrimination. We believe that this will push people to be more sensitive, and value and understand the behaviors people may exhibit around them, and to understand the people who experience them and help them.These are why the authors are interested in conductinga study regarding the matter. The results of this research showed evidence of the Joker's methods of handling the negative experiences, the impacts and the factors of the said experiences and rejection in his social environment.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Phenomenology, Joker, Mental Illness.</p> Muhammad Fayyad Rafi Atha Ramadhan Kenfirda Rahmawati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-07-06 2024-07-06 6 2 76 90 10.31540/jeell.v6i2.2654 READING NEWSPAPER FOR ENHANCING VOCABULARY <p>This research was conducted to increase vocabulary through reading newspapers and to determine the effectiveness of reading newspapers in increasing students vocabulary. This research uses library research method.&nbsp; This study also discusses reading comprehension, where reading comprehension can also improve vocabulary. Using the newspaper reading method to increase vocabulary in English class still makes it difficult for students to understand the meaning of the word.&nbsp; However, based on several previous studies, it can be concluded that reading newspapers can increase vocabulary and also significantly improve reading comprehension.&nbsp; Using this method can help teachers to be able to provide learning to students effectively, especially increasing vocabulary.&nbsp; In conclusion, reading English newspapers is very helpful for learning new words, idioms phrases and sentence structures. It also helps them to learn how to take out the meaning of the sentences. English newspapers help students to become better learners.</p> Ratih Ningsih Ningsih Dewi Syafitri ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-07-06 2024-07-06 6 2 91 99 10.31540/jeell.v6i2.1674