Information for Author

 Jurnal Biosilampari : Jurnal Biologi provides a place for the publication of scientific research in biological research that includes biodiversity, biosystematics, ecology, physiology, behavior, genetics and biotechnology. The entry articles will be reviewed and selected in relation to the research role on the progress of biology.

Authors are expected to include articles through the page of Jurnal Biosilampari : Jurnal Biologi at (, all stages of the process from submit, review until published is done through the page. We will grudgingly not process any submitted submissions other than through the page. If the author is having difficulties, then please contact via email: or support contact listed on the Jurnal Biosilampari : Jurnal Biologi page.

Authors need to pay close attention to the various terms and criteria imposed by Jurnal Biosilampari : Jurnal Biologi.

  1. The author should ensure that the article will be submitted in accordance with the focus & scope of
  2. Articles to be submitted have not been published and are not in the process of being published in seminars or other journals.
  3. Articles submitted are in accordance with the writing style of Biosilampari Journal to facilitate the preparation of the article, use the template provided by BIOSILAMPARI JOURNAL.
    1. Do a copy paste text only, then select the style provided in the ribbon style section
    2. Save your articles in the format ".doc or .rtf"
  4. Each author’s name listed in the article has been written correctly, with affiliate and email.
  5. The author when submitting articles through the page of Biosilampari Journal, it has agreed to transfer copyright rights to STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau.
  6. Articles written in Indonesian and English, to reduce the risk of writing errors can use tools such as gramarly (for English) and typoonline (for Indonesian).
  7. Articles have pages amounting from 10 to 20 pages.
  8. Articles do not contain bullet and numbering
  9. The author should not add any chapters outside of the set in the template.
  10. The author is advised to use reference management and formating applications such as Mendeley, Zotero and EndNote, the reference style used by APA 6th Edition (American Psychological Association)
  11. Citation, the author is not allowed to do the citation by copying from another publication that has not been read the original source. e.g: Axxxx in Bxxxx
  12. References used at least 15, with at least 70% of primary sources, are strongly recommended to use the last 10 years.


  • Make sure emails that are used for correspondence are active and are constantly accessed periodically (preferably connected to a smartphone)
  • Include your phone number that can be contacted at the bottom of the article, this will be used for urgent correspondence or confirmation of the status of articles that have been too long
  • If there is no change in article status within 3 weeks please contact the contacts available on the page

Terms of Writing in Jurnal Biosilampari : Jurnal Biologi

The Biosilampari Journal article is written using A4 paper, with left margin 3 cm, top, bottom and right 2.5 cm.

Writing a short and clear title, it is necessary to emphasize on the subject/research variables that show the newness. Article title, capital, in Indonesian/English, using cambria 12 pt, maximum 20 words)


Author. The author listed in the article should really have a role in writing the article. Name is written completely (without title). If there is a writer’s name consisting of only one word, the writing on OJS is repeated in the first name and last name the same or the first name abbreviated from the leading letter with the period (.) And last name is written complete. example: a writer his name only "Adi" then the writing "Adi, Adi" or can be written "A. Adi ". All author names contained in the article (full text file) should also be written on the page OJS BIOSILAMPARI JOURNAL when submitting (if have a google scholar and Orcid account is suggested to fill it in the author’s metadata in OJS).

Affiliates. Each author’s name must be completed with affiliation, in writing the affiliation does not know the profession (teachers, students, lecturers, etc.) so it does not need to be listed. If in a single article there are several authors with the same affiliation, then affiliate enough once written. The format of writing the affiliate name of the Institution. Example: STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau

Email: the first author listed in the article must be emailed, the email used for correspondence (communication between author and editor) is given an asterisk.


The abstract should contain the objectives, methods, results, and conclusions that are presented in a brief, concise and clear manner so as to demonstrate newness compared to other existing studies. Abstract does not contain citation, formulas, tables and images. Written in good and proper Indonesian, do not use unusual/non-standard terms to use, abstract word counts of 150 to 200 words. Abstract content written in English. Abstract content is written using cambria letter with size 11.

Keywords should reflect the contents of the article, in order to make it easier for other writers to search for and cite the article. Keyword writing is not abbreviated and uses terms that are common in biology. Keywords in English (keyword) is not a translation, but similar terms are common in English in accordance with the field of biology.


The introduction should include the background of the issue or problem as well as the urgency of the research, rationalization, and gap analysis with existing research, so as to indicate novelty research (which distinguishes it from other studies). The purpose of the study should be clearly visible in the introductory section, in the introductory section it is better not to include tables and figures. Introduction is presented in a straightforward way, and no more than two pages. Relevant literature review and hypothesis development (if any) can be included in this section. Terms of citation (name, year), in citation are strongly emphasized to use reference manager applications such as Mendeley, Zotero or EndNote. It aims to avoid mistaking citation and write references at the end of the article. The purpose of the study should be clearly visible in the introduction. In the introductory section it is better not to include tables and figures.

The types of letters used to compose the introduction are Cambria size 12 and 1sp spacing line.


The method is written clearly by loading the data retrieval technique and the analysis used to obtain the result, besides it can contain the number of respondents used in the research. Writing the formula can use equation by listing the main source used as a reference.

The types of letter used to construct the contents of the method is Cambria size 12 and line spacing 1sp.


Results and discussion at least can include “what?” which convey the results or findings of the research. The data presented instead of raw data, “why?” scientific studies and the existence of a link between the results obtained and the basic concepts; “what else?” compare the results of your research with othe research, it is suggested to give the implication of the research result both from theoretical and application.

Results and discussion are written in one unit, the author is not allowed to separate the results and the discussion in the form of a new chapter. How to write in the results and discussion is done directly by covering sharply one by one research results obtained with supported relevant and preferred references from primary sources. The results presented in this section are "clean" results. The process of data analysis such as statistical calculation and hypothesis testing process need not be presented. Only the results of the analysis and the results of the hypothesis testing should be reported. The results can be completed with tables, drawings and graphs (separate writing provisions) to clarify the presentation of the results of verbal research.

The types of letters used to compose the contents of the results and discussion are Cambria size 12 and line spacing 1sp.


The conclusion contains a statement of the results of the analysis of the discussion conducted on the research findings and answer from the research objectives. The conclusion emphasizes the novelty of the invention or development undertaken. Conclusions are written briefly, densely and clearly in a single paragraph.

If there are suggestions from research related to the results of research to be developed by other researchers can be presented briefly and clearly in new paragraphs or written in a single conclusion.

The type of letters used to construct the contents of the conclusions are Cambria size 12 and line spacing 1sp.


Acknowledgment contains appreciation given by the author to the people who have been instrumental in research, whether in the form of financial support, licensing, consultant, or assist in data retrieval. The types of letters used to construct the introductory contents are Cambria size 12 and 1sp spacing line.

References are written in accordance with the citation contained in the article, number of reference at least 15 references with >70% of primary sources (journals) with last 10 year updates. References are written referring to the APA 6th Publication Manual.


  1. Table title and figures are written using cambria letter size 11.
  2. Tables and figures shall be in accordance with the informative needs of the paper
  3. The contents of the table are written with cambria letter size 10.
  4. Each table, figure and graph must be accompanied by caption, for the caption table is located at the top of the table, while for the figure and graph caption is located at the bottom
  5. Writing tables and figures should be placed at the beginning or end of a page
  6. Before using tables and figures, the authors emphasized to provide narrative reviews related to the table or figures to be presented along with the number of the table or figure presented.
  7. Figures should have good resolution
  8. For graphic images highly recommended colorless without the title of the chart, for the legend is written in the caption after the name of the graph
  9. The table should contain at least two rows of data and requires a count, and no unit repetition
  10. The table only uses lines at the top and bottom of the table head and cover at the end of the data.
  11. The table should be presented in full, not cut off to other pages
  12. If there are two tables whose contents are interrelated can be placed close together. Presentation of tables and figures/graphs can combine two text columns as needed

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