• Fadhlan Muchlas Abrori Universitas Borneo Tarakan
Keywords: Ethnobiology, Penggir Papas Market, Commodity Species


Coastal communities in  Sumenep area have a peculiarity in selling seafood to consumers. Generally, fish catchers (sailor) will immediately sell their catch fish in the early hours on the seafront that called penggir papas market. The study was conducted in 3 sub-districts in the Sumenep area located in the coastal area. Data obtained were analyzed descriptively which included: Relative Frequency of Citation, Fidelity Level, and IUCN Status. Based on data collection related to commodity species in the penggir papas market in Sumenep area, there were 24 species. The list of species is grouped into 2 types based on their kingdom namely: Animalia (88%) and Protista (22%).  There are 5 species in group I (low interest and low preference), 1 species in group II (high interest and low preference), 1 species in group III (low interest and high preference) and 17 species in group IV (high importance and preference high).Data related to IUCN status are at least 63% of species that have not been evaluated, 4% including endangered, 12% near threatened, 8% least concern and 13% data deficient.


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