Empowering Diary in Recount Text for Student’s Writing Skill

writing diary

  • Dwi Kusuma Jayati University PGRI Silampari
Keywords: Teaching writing, Writing diary, Recount


The  objectives  of  this  research  is  to  describe  the  process  of  teaching  writing recount  texts  by  using  diary,  to  find  out  the teacher’s  problem sand  students’ responses  toward  using  diary.  The research employs a descriptive qualitative research. Findings  show the  use  of  diary  in  teaching  writing  recount  text  could help and develop  students’  writing.  The teacher explained and instructed in procedural teaching practice to diary usage. However, the problems were limited time at the activities and lack of the teacher’s knowledge. Generally, the use of diary gave a creativity  both  the  teacher  and  students  and  made  students  motivated in  learning writing.  Thus,  diary  is  one  of  effective  ways  to  express  the students’ ideas  in writing because they can tell prior activities or experiences happened.


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