

The title

No more than 15 words/characters written in capital, bold, Times News Roman font (TNR) 16, center alignment, spacing 1.15.

The author, ownership, and e-mail

The author's name is without a title, the name of the institution (ownership), and e-mail corresponds to the author.


The abstract iswritten in Indonesian, English, and Arabic between 100 to 150 words containing the principal and the results or findings of the article/research.


Written in amaximum of 4 words (can be in the form of phrase) that is really the main point of the articles/research.


The manuscript comes from the form of research (literature review and field). It consists of a maximum of 20 pages written in a format Times News Roman (TNR) 12 andjustify alignment. The manuscript is organized into three sections: Introduction, Content/ Discussion, Conclusion, and References.


This part contains the background, the subject matter, the importance of the themes discussed, and the purpose of the subject matter. In this section, it is advisable to avoid a detailed explanation of the theoretical basis, the problem statement, and so on as published in paper/thesis/dissertation. The introduction is written in bold with no heading.


It is consists of discussions in accordance with the theme of the manuscript. It also contains the sub-discussion in accordance with the theme. The contents are written in capital (big capital at the beginning of words) and bold without heading.

In writing sub-themes (smallest) it is advised to avoid numbering downward but make it into paragraphs (example: among others: 1) .....; 2) .....; 3) .....)

Supporting Instrument

Supporting instruments may include images (graphics/charts) or tables. Figure/table is recommended in black and white, and if it is made in color, it must be ensured that they can be read clearly when text is printed in black and white. Figure/table must be numbered and concise information on it to the format; centered, TNR 10, spacing 1. The content is written with TNR 10 format, spacing 1.


The conclusions arewritten to direct the reader to get the important things that are not shallow and narrow. The conclusion is written with bold and no heading.

Citations are enclosed in intra-text with references (name, year, page). Example: (Rush, 2014: 56).

The bibliography should use reference management applications such as  MendeleyEndNote,Zotero, or the other. The format of writing that used in the journal of Engineering is in accordance with the format of APA 6th Edition (American Psychological Association).



Title. The title should be short, bright, and informative, but does not exceed 12 words. It has to be pinpoint with the issues discussed. The article title does not contain any uncommon abbreviation. The main ideas should be written first and followed then by its explanations.

Author’s names and institutions. The author's names should be accompanied by the author's institutions, institutions address, and email addresses, without any academic titles and job title.

Abstract. Abstracts are written in Indonesian and English. Abstract is made in one paragraph which consists of the background, objective, research methods, results, conclusions and keywords (3-5 phrases).

Introduction. The introduction must contain (shortly and consecutively) a general background and a literature review (state of the art), the main research problems and research method. In the final part of the introduction, the purpose of the article writing should be stated.

Method. Method Section that describes the participants, the procedures employed in the study such as technique of data collection and data analysis.

Result and Discussion. This part consists of the research results and how they are discussed. The results obtained from the research have to be supported by sufficient data.  The research results and the discovery must be the answers, or the research hypothesis stated previously in the introduction part. The following components should be covered in the discussion: How do your results relate to the original question or objectives outlined in the Introduction section (what/how)? Do you provide interpretation scientifically for each of your results or findings presented (why)? Are your results consistent with what other investigators have reported (what else)? Or are there any differences?

Conclusion (S) and Recommendation (S). Conclusion should answer the objectives of research. Tells how your work advances the field from the present state of knowledge. Without clear Conclusion, reviewers and readers will find it difficult to judge the work, and whether or not it merits publication in the journal. Do not repeat the Abstract, or just list experimental results. Provide a clear scientific justification for your work, and indicate possible applications and extensions. You should also suggest future experiments and/or point out those that are underway.

References. The literature listed in the References contains only the sources referenced or included in the article. Please use Reference Manager Applications like EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero, etc. Referral sources should provide 80% of journal articles, proceedings, or research results from the last five years. Writing techniques bibliography, using the system cites APA 6th Edition (American Psychological Association)