Ruang Lingkup Filsafat Sejarah dalam Kajian Sejarah

  • Arditya Prayogi IAIN Pekalongan



This article is intended to describe the scope of the philosophy of history in historical writing. The birth of the philosophy of history as part of historical studies is closely related to human curiosity about the meaning of historical events. This article tries to discuss the philosophy of history and its scope in historical studies, both descriptively and analytically. From the results of the review, it is known that the philosophy of history contains at least two main scopes. First, history which seeks to ensure a common goal that manages and controls all events and the entire course of history or is known as speculative/contemplative philosophy of history. Second, history which aims to examine and appreciate the methods of historical science as well as the certainty and assessment of the results of the analysis and conclusions of a historical work or known as critical/analytical philosophy of history.



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How to Cite
Prayogi, A. (2022). Ruang Lingkup Filsafat Sejarah dalam Kajian Sejarah. SINDANG: Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah Dan Kajian Sejarah, 4(1), 1-10.