Identitas Budaya: Berkeperibadian Dalam Kebudayaan (Salah Satu Konsep Trisakti Bung Karno Disampaikan, 17 Agustus 1965)
This paper tries to examine "cultural existence" which is one of Bung Karno's "Trisakti" concepts delivered in his speech on the 20th birthday of the Republic of Indonesia, August 17, 1965. This ideology was deliberately brought up by Bung Karno in response to the practice of neo-colonialism. imperialism (nekolim) in the form of Western cultural hegemony towards Indonesian culture which is felt to be very detrimental in the future development of its people. Existence in a culture is actually a cultural identity, is the identity of a person as a citizen of a nation that is obtained from birth through the process of interaction that is done at any time in his life and then forms a special pattern that radiates characteristics to the person concerned. The Indonesian nation is a multicultural nation, a nation of diverse ethnic, cultural and religious diversity. This diversity has contributed to the formation of this nation, but when symptoms of disintegration occur it is often accused of being a source of conflict. Being in culture is an inspiring ideology that is absolutely needed by a multicultural nation such as Indonesia in anticipating various dynamics in society including dynamics due to globalization.
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