Writing Guidelines  of Silampari Bisa: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia, Daerah, dan Asing can be downloaded here

Template of Silampari Bisa: Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia, Daerah, dan Asing can be downloaded here

  1. Authors are required to register online.
  2. Author should fill out author’s profile on OJS website that consists of author First, Middle and Last Name (If author only uses one name, fill the first name and last name with the same name), Gender, Initial, Username, Password, Affiliation (University/or Institution), E-mail, Mailing Address (complete address of affiliation: street name, city, province and zip code), Country and Bio Statement (Department or Faculty). Author must follow the journal template which can be downloaded at
  3. Article is written in Indonesia and English, 1,5-space, one column and  follow Author Guidelines.
  4. Submit articles on author account in the form of Ms Word 97-2003 or Ms. Word 2013, text length 3.500-8.000 words, Margins: Top: 2,54, Left: 3, Bottom: 2,54, Right: 2,54, font: Arial, Spaced: 1.5 in a paper size (A4), and guided by uploading Article Template Silampari Bisa files.
  5. Article contains Title, Abstract, Introduction, Research Method, Research Results and Discussion, Conclusion, and References. a) Title. Writing titles in two languages namely English and Indonesia. English title is placed at the top if the English-language article is continued and the title is written after the abstract in the Indonesian language. The title in the Indonesian language is placed above if the Indonesian language article and continued written after the abstract in English. Title is written in capital letter, 12pt ents, maximum 15 words, and spaced 1. b) Abstract. Abstracts are written in two languages namely English and Indonesian. The abstract section contains research objectives, research methods, and research results in English. Use 11pt size arial fonts for abstract titles and 10pt fonts for abstract contents with single spaces. Abstract length maximum 250 words. Add keywords of at least 3 words and a maximum of 5 words. Abstract writing with one spaced. c) Introduction. Introduction is written without sub-heading. It consists of background of the problem (not compulsory), state of the art (at least 3 literatures/journals as primary source) to show novelty, gap analysis, review (if any) purpose of the research. The introduction ends with an emphasis on what will be discussed. This section uses Arial font with 12 pt size and spaced 1.5. d) Research Method. Provide method of the research in details that help reproducible research. It is written in past tense. It includes: participants, research design, data collection techniques, and data analysis techniques. Avoid putting formula in this part. This section uses Arial font with 12 pt size and space 1.5. e) Research Results and Discussion. 1. Research Results: show the result of the research. Research results only contain research findings that have not been linked to relevant theories and studies. This section uses Arial font with 12 pt size and space 1.5. 2) Discussion: show the discussion. The discussion includes the meaning of the study by comparing the findings of other researchers and the theories used. This section uses Arial font with 12 pt size and space 1.5. In quoting using body note writing system for example "According to Noermanzah (2017: 7)". The discussion can use tables or drawings. The title/table name with the 11th font is placed above the table and the title/image name with the font 11 is placed underneath the image. Writing the title/table name and image are placed in the center or center. Fill table with font size 10 with one space. Likewise for quotations from oral text transcribed in the form of posts made in space 1 with font size 10. f) Conclusion. Conclusion should answer the research purpose. It describes it innovation in the science. Write the conclusion briefly about one to two paragraphs. Do not use bullet or numbering. The conclusion also do not repeat the abstract. The conclusion section uses Arial font with 12 pt size and 1.5 spacing. g) References. It is recommended to use reference application such as, Mendeley Application, Zotero, EndNote. Please set APA 6, Arial 12pt, single space. Mendeley can be downloaded on the right side of Silampari Bisa. Make sure that only cited references are listed. Make sure to put cited reference in the reference list. The bibliographs quoted from several sources are incorporated or written separately and arranged alphabetically.
  6. Any manuscript published first through the process of checking plagiarism with Turnitin Ithenticate. The script will be processed if the plagiarism scan results show results below 30%.
  7. The Author receives information on the results of the review, either by authorized journal e-mail and on the journal status of the author account.
  8. The author receives his article revised from the results of reviews submitted by reviewers in the Peer Review section.
  9. The author uploads an improved article in  Upload Author Version section of the special article in the Decision Editor section.
  10. The author uploads article improvements on Editing especially on the Copyediting: Author Copyedit.
  11. Research articles are ready for publication.

Example for writing references:


Stroud, S. R. & Winkler, A. C. (2013). Selling Democracy and the Rhetorical Habits of Synthetic Conflict: John Dewey as Pragmatic Rhetor in China. Rhetoric & Public Affairs, 16(1), 215-219.

Noermanzah, N. (2016). Sermon Rhetoric Patterns of President Joko Widodo’s Oration in the Occasion of Bung Karno's Oration on June 1, 1945 Commemoration. Journal of Indonesian Language Education and Literary, 1(2), 1-6.


Renkema, J. (2012).  Introduction   to Discourse Studies. Amsterdam:  John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Chapter in a book

Zarefsky, D. (2005). Argumentation: The Study of Effective Reasoning, 2ND Edition. In Halliday (Ed.), Rhetoric Made Plain (pp.57-59). Virginia: The Great Courses.

Reference by Mendeley

Noermanzah, N. (2017). Struktur Kalimat Tunggal Bahasa Sindang. AKSIS: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, 1(1), 1-2.