Pemerolehan Bahasa Jawa sebagai Bahasa Pertama Berdasarkan Aspek Fonologi dan Sintaksis
Not a few who understand the meaning of the speech delivered by a toddler, or a child under the age of 5 years. Every language spoken is often difficult to understand. This is due to the pronunciation of phonemes or vocabulary that is not very fluent when pronounced. The acquisition process in a child needs to be studied and analyzed more deeply. Therefore, researchers are interested in studying the acquisition of the first language in children aged 4 years. This study aims to describe or explain the acquisition of the first language (Javanese) in children aged 4 years. This study uses a qualitative descriptive type of research where in the discussion the researcher describes the results of his research based on the facts contained in everyday life. The method used is the method of listening, recording and recording. The results obtained, when viewed from the phonological aspect, Raihan who is 4 years old is already able to speak. Although there are some phonemes that are a little difficult to pronounce. While language acquisition at the syntactic level, Raihan as a subject in the study can be said to be quite good. Very minimal deviation in speech. Although there are still some mistakes, overall sentence mastery that is mastered by Raihan is more dominant in declarative sentence types. However, it can be said that Raihan's speech is in accordance with the theory that a child at the age of 3-5 years has much longer speech and more regular grammar.
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