• Ansuri Naib Sekretaris Dewan Lubuklinggau


This research is done in the secretariat of Lubuklinggau Municipal Assembly (Sekretariat DPRD Kota Lubuklinggau) and this thesis is held to fulfill the requirements for the degree of Magister at STIE MITRA Indonesia Graduate Program. The secretariat of Lubuklinggau Municipal Assembly (Sekretariat DPRD Kota Lubuklinggau) is one of the administrator or implementer element in Lubuklinggau government. So the situational objectives in this thesis is to improve the administration skill from 120 letter/month in 2003 become 200 letter/month in 2004. Based on the result the research about the readiness of 12 company standard function, hence it is known that the main problems faced by the secretariat of Lubuklinggau municipal assembly in achieving their main goal is that there are unready function and factor, among others: The understanding of municipal assembly‟s member towards their tasks or duties and function based on the regulation of municipal assembly‟s rule order and the regulation of law, so that there are difficulties in facilitate their task/duties, lack of state official or regular personel in the secretariat of municipal assembly, insufficient readiness of human resources in municipal assembly, limited tools or equipment and infrastructure to support municipal assembly‟s task, among othes: Projector, CD-room, and transportation, insufficient fund. From the result of analysis of problem above, the alternative solutions are: Optimize the utilities of resources available there, such as: human resources, equipment/infrastructure. Developing human resources in the secretariat of municipal assembly and municipal assembly‟s member, preparing well the task of the secretariat of municipal assembly in the future, including fund allotment, giving job motivation to the officials. In addition, the recommendations given are doing coordination toward the activities plan in order to solve the problem and to increase or to develop the implementation of function.


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