The title of the research is “Improving Interview ability by Using Role-Play Method to the XI.IPA 1 students at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Lubuklinggau. The problem of the research was “Was there improvement of interview ability of XI.IPA 1 students by using role-play method at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Lubuklinggau? The research was classroom action research with one pre-action data collection and two cycles of action. The result in pre-action showed that there were 8 students (26.06%) passed the passing grade or got the score of 65 or more, while 22 students (73.03%) did not pass the passing grade out of 30 students. The average score was 26.06. In the first cycle, there were 16 students (53.03%) passed the passing grade, while 14 students (46.06%) did not pass, with the average score 50,83%. The improvement in this first cycle was 10.38 (20.52%). In the second cycle, the average score improved to 68.27 and the difference between the first and the second cycle was 7.31 (11.99%). In this second cycle, there were 27 students (90.00%) passed, while 3 (10.00%) did not. Based on the calculation, the difference between pre-action and second cycle scores was 17.69 (34.97%). Thus, the action hypothesis of this research was accepted that the use of roleplay method could improve the interview ability of XI.IPA 1 students at SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Lubuklinggau in the academic year of 2010/2011. It was shown by the number of students who passed or got more than 65 at the end of the researc reached 90.00%.
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