• Dedy Subandowo Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro
  • Suci Lestari Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro
Keywords: Analysis, English Pronunciation, Students’ Errors, Diphthong Sound


This research aimed to analize students’ error in English pronunciation related to the diphthong sound. The subject of this research was the third semester of English Departement at Muhammadiyah University of Metro.  The goals of this research were to find what the errors are made by students in pronouncing diphthong, the percentage of the errors, what are the causes of the errors. The instruments of this research were item test, interview, and questionnaire. To collect data in this research the researcher used triangulation technique (documentation, interview, note taking and observation). From the result data research, it can be interfered that from 80 diphthongs test of 30 students as the source of data, there were many errors that they did when they pronounced diphthong /əi/ that is 39%. They did errors as many as 46% when they pronounced //, 46% in pronounced //, 22% when pronounced /ɔɪ/, 43% when pronounced /ʊə/, 48% when pronounced /əʊ/ and // as many as 46%, and the last 41% when pronounced //. The researcher found various answers for some aspects caused their errors in pronounce diphthong, the first is learning method, learning facilities.


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