• Sulistiyono S. STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau
Keywords: development, student worksheet in the POE setting, thinking skills


This study aims to produce student worksheets in the POE setting which are appropriate for learning among Year VII students of SMP N 1 Pakem to improve their thinking skills, in terms of the content appropriateness, language, presentation, graphics, and to investigate the attainment of the students‟ thinking skills when they use the student worksheets in the POE setting. This study was a research and development (R & D) study carried out by referring to the 4-D model, involving the stages of Definition, Design, Development, and Dissemination. This study ended at the Development stage because the Dissemination stage was not taken. The tryout subjects in this study were 46 students of SMP Negeri I Pakem Sleman Yogyakarta; they consisted of 10 students for the small-scale tryout and 36 students for the field tryout. The data were collected through a questionnaire, a test (posttest), and the distribution of the students‟ scores in the student worksheets. The feedback for the student worksheets developed in the small-scale tryout was used as a basis for the revision of the module in the tryout in the subsequent stage. The results of the study show that the developed student worksheets are good in terms of the content appropriateness, language, presentation, and graphics according the material and media experts, peers, and science teachers in general. The student worksheets in general can be applied in learning. The students‟ responses to the application of the student worksheets in the POE setting are in the good category. The learning through the developed student worksheets in the POE setting can develop the students‟ thinking skills, indicated by the improvement of the percentage of the attainment of their learning outcomes in each student worksheet; the attainment was 76.5% through student worksheet 1, 79.8% through student worksheet 2, and 78.9% through student worksheet 3.


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