The problem in the development of teaching and learning innovation in the classroom is Is it effective to use integrated expository and heuristic strategy in increasing the eleventh grade students fokltale comprehension at SMA Al Ikhlas Lubuklinggau. This teaching and learning innovation development was to find out to what extent the integrated expository and heuristic strategy increased the eleventh grade students folktale comprehension at SMA Al Ikhlas Lubuklinggau. The development of this teaching and learning inovation was carried out in three cycles with two meeting for each. The finding of pretest showed that among students, 10 students (24,39%) exceeded the score of 65 or more, and 31 students (75, 61%) got score less than 65. While the average score was 50,01. In the first cycle, there were 15 students (36,58%) exceeded score65 or more and 26 students (64,41%) got less than 65. The average score was 60,05. In the second cycles, there were 25 students (60,97%) exceeded score 65 or more and 16 students (39,02%) got less than 65. And the average score was 64,05. In the last cycle, there were 36 students (87,80%) exceeded score 65 or more and 5 students (12,19%) got less than 65. While the average score was 78,50. From the findings, it is found there was …… of increasing of students! Comprehension. Thus, it could be concluded that the integrated expository and heuristic strategy is effective in increasing the eleventh grade students folktale comprehension at SMA Al Ikhlas Lubuklinggau
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