This research study aimed to analyze The Educational Values in the Novel Totto-chan: The Little Girl at the Window by Tetsuko Kuroyanagi. In this study the method used was qualitative descriptive method. First about educational values of the novel, the researcher found some values in the novel divided into two parts, Values of being and values of giving. Values of being were: honesty, courage, peace ability, self-discipline, confidence and capability. Values of giving were: loyalty, respect, love, unselfishness, sensitivity, kindness, friendliness, justice and mercy. Second was the implication towards parents and teachers. Teacher should care, patient, have aim, and trust to students. Parents should support positive activity of children, understand what they need, and give a freedom to children to chose what they want. Third was the comparison between educational system in world war and modern era in Japan especially in the novel, from the novel the situation was in world war, the school year started every April. There was limitedness in elementary education in world war, while in the modern era every people had their freedom in education.
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