• Noermanzah N. STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau
Keywords: language and discourse style drama.


The purpose of this research is to explain figurative language or style of sentence structure in terms of shape and meaning in the absence of direct discourse of drama serial "Upin and Ipin" by Simon Monjack. The theory of language style used referenced from Keraf (2010), both based on sentence structure and style that in terms of direct or absence of meaning consisting of rhetorical style and the style of figurative language. The research method used is descriptive method, the data source is the discourse of drama serial "Upin and Ipin" by Simon Monjack and data in the form of results from the transcription of spoken language into written language in discourse drama "Upin and Ipin" by Simon Monjack. Data collection techniques used were recording techniques, while the data analysis techniques that amounted to 6 episodes, the order is as follows: (1) transcription, (2) encoding, (5) identification, (4) classification, and (5) interpretation. The results provide information that style based on the structure of sentences in discourse drama series "Upin and Upin" by Simon Monzack dominated by stylistic repetition. Another type of style that is based on sentence structure, style climax, anticlimax, antithesis, and parallel. While the immediate absence of meaning in terms of divided into two parts, namely the rhetorical and figurative. Rhetorical style of language that appears dominated by style and erotesis koreksio. In addition it also found asonansi style, apofasis, and eufemismus. Style of figurative language that appears most are kind of stylistic allusion is cynicism. In addition, there are also stylistic simile, metaphor, sarcasm, and style Innuendo.


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